Joaquín Sorolla Painter

Joaquín Sorolla Painter

Eric Thomsen, Cristina Berna

Tapa dura

370 Páginas

ISBN-13: 9788411744942

Editorial: BoD - Books on Demand

Fecha de publicación: 19.01.2024

Idioma: Inglés

Palabras clave: Joaquin Sorolla, Famous Spanish painters, Pater families, Leaving a Legacy, Stroke

149,95 €

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Joaquín Sorolla (born in Valencia 1863 - died in Cercedilla 1923) is one of the most successful Spanish painters ever. He was a genius in capturing the essence of the scene he was painting. He was a master of light.

Giving an overview of his incredible huge production with over 4,000 works is inherently a subjective choice by the curator. Like with an exhibition, what is the point you are making? This selection is not intended as a challenge to other experts, but a celebration of the genius.

Joaquín Sorolla painted to please his patrons, to make money for a good living, to create a solid inheritance for his family and descendants. He was a deeply responsible father, shaped by his own childhood. He was Catholic and believed in mercy.

He also had humor and he delighted in the artistic joke, which showed his friendly and beautiful spirit.
Eric Thomsen

Eric Thomsen

Cristina Berna loves photographing and writing. She also creates designs and advice on fashion and styling.

Cristina Berna

Cristina Berna

Eric Thomsen has published in science, economics and law, created exhibitions and arranged concerts.

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