Hiroshige Kunisada Kuniyoshi 53 Pairings of the Tokaido

Hiroshige Kunisada Kuniyoshi 53 Pairings of the Tokaido

(Pairs Tokaido 1845-1846)

Cristina Berna, Eric Thomsen


37,8 MB

DRM: Marca de agua

ISBN-13: 9788411746519

Editorial: BoD - Books on Demand

Fecha de publicación: 31.01.2024

Idioma: Inglés

Palabras clave: Pair Tokaido, Japanese prints, Edo Period, Hiroshige, Kunisada

19,99 €

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This series, Fifty-three Pairings of the Tokaido Road, Tokaido gojusan tsui, popularly called Pairs Tokaido or 53 Parallels for the Tokaido Road, was published in 1845-1846.
It is a unique cooperation between three artists: Utagawa Hiroshige, Utagawa Kunisada and Utagawa Kuniyoshi and five publishers: Ibaya Kyubei, (Ibaya Senzaburo (Dansendo)) and Kojimaya Jubei, Enshuya Matabei, Ebiya Rinnosuke (Kaijudo) and Iseya Ichibei.
The special feature of this Pairs Tokaido is the pairing of a print for each station with a legend, a wonderful, dramatic, historic or supranatural story. These stories are told partly by the print theme, partly by accompanying text in a cartouche. Sometimes there is a poem. It is a very enjoyable tour!
Cristina Berna

Cristina Berna

Cristina Berna loves photographing and writing. She also creates designs and advice on fashion and styling.

Eric Thomsen

Eric Thomsen

Eric Thomsen has published in science, economics and law, created exhibitions and arranged concerts.

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