This volume presents the work of various artists that have visited the enchanted frozen island of Greenland and caught its charms. They have mostly been visiting or living here for a period in connection with their work or simply because they have been smitten by the lore of this alluring ice wonder. Many of the artists have been associated with Denmark, which has ruled Greenland for many centuries -actually getting a stake here via the Norse - Erik the Red in 953 AD - when Norway and Denmark became united in the Middle Ages. They had a great pasture farming and hunting society. Later, the Inuit came over from Siberia and invaded Greenland and wiped out the Norse settlements. Only with the Danish-Norwegian missionary Hans Egede in 1721 was appointed royal missionary to Greenland did the Danish king again get to actually rule this part of the kingdom. The Greenlanders of today´s Greenland are a mix of Danish, Inuit and some other European blood. They are a hardy lot - it takes guts and perseverance to brave it out under these harsh and challenging conditions. We salute this proud people and hope you will approve of our selection of works.
Cristina Berna loves photographing and writing. She also creates designs and advice on fashion and styling. Cristina writes to entertain a diverse audience.
Eric Thomsen
Eric Thomsen has published in science, economics and law, created exhibitions and arranged concerts. In relation to Greenland some of Eric Thomsen´s close relatives lived there from the early 1950s and the author consulted small business like the famous photographer Rolf Müller who published the Greenland Calendar. Eric Thomsen also worked with businesses in Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands and draws on this experience in the family´s writing.
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